DeeJ Experience, LLC
Our Story

DeeJ Experience has developed through the years of being molded by God. It amazes me when I look back and see how this all got started. I was a sinning machine way back when. A Karaoke star in the bars…DJ Extraordinaire then, God got ahold of me. Here is the condensed version. I was approached by the vice president of a DJ company after a Karaoke contest. He said we like how you entertain the crowd, come work for us. So, I did. 2 years later I decided that I didn’t like how the President of the company ran things so, I bought my own equipment, named my DJ outfit SEL Sound (My Initials) and off I went. 2 years later I got good, really good. Booked 4 nights a week in the same club for almost 3 years. I was hot stuff, and everyone called me DeeJ (like DJ Tanner lol) I was THE MAN in my own mind, but business took a wrong turn and they let me go. Started going to church at First Wesleyan of Bradford, PA. I was Baptized in 2012. Tried getting into radio while I focused on wedding Receptions after a couple stops here and there. Still had a problem, I was still awesome in my own mind…look at this platform I built…It was all about me….20+ weddings every summer. Then…It Happened. One thing after another…My kids stepfather was rumored to doing some offensive stuff to my children, Job was failing, Car was failing, everything was crashing down around me. We had tickets for Kingdom Bound 2014. Michael W. Smith was performing, playing a song, I’ve sang and played 100 times over. All this stuff crashing down around me, I’m thinking God, how am I going to handle all this?” This is the Air I Breathe…. This is the Air I breathe” …..”And I…..I’m Lost without you” “I’m desperate for you” That was it…..Man the floodgates where wide open. I was sobbing beyond control and it was if God in that moment said to me…Stop doing it by yourself, for yourself. See all that time I built my platform to show everyone how awesome I was. I did it all on my own, I made myself a king in my own little DJing empire; Then God CRUSHED it.
See it wasn’t a stage for a spotlight to shine on me…it was a platform for me to say, that is who I was on my own, I was a broken mess, but this is who I am now thanks to Jesus. So SEL Sound went from that to DJ and from DJ to DeeJ to now what’s known as the DeeJ Experience. In that span of 5 years I was constantly praying, searching for a purpose…Tried every radio station Christian and non-Christian alike and they all said the same thing…love your stuff but you don’t have any experience. Fast forward to August 2017 Put in for this dinky little AM Station in Corry. They hired me, and I learned the rest of what I needed to know to get to this point. I heard a great speaker by the name of Bill Vanderbush on October 15th, 2017 I don’t think it was a coincidence that I was there doing a live remote broadcast while Mr. Vanderbush was giving a message about the most inspirational number in the bible. He talked about 40 years of wandering in the desert, 40 days and 40 nights of rain, 40 days in the belly of a whale, Jesus being tempted for 40 days, Goliath Taunting the Israelites for 40 days. I’ll hold on to this sermon for forever because he said the most inspirational number in the Bible is 41. Cause everybody in the Bible that went through a 40 or a time of testing walked out of it into a 41. When they stepped out of a 40 and the 41 hits they became kings, the stepped into a place of ministry, the destiny on their life was fulfilled and the promise of God gets manifested in your life! Through my entire struggles throughout my whole life had lead me to that very point in time. Friends…I cannot tell you without Godly goosebumps that I celebrated my 40th birthday on May 19th, 2018, stepped into my personal 41. Now I have DeeJ Experience LLC. I am also working with the Corry Journal as the Director and Producer of all sports stream operations. God has done things I would not dare say was possible years ago. He has seen this project through, and I believe that there is more yet to come. This is not a coincidence; this is God working through His people.
He is SO GOOD and HE LOVES YOU. If He can use a broken mess like me, a GED nobody special guy, then He can use anyone. Hang in there…. your 41 is coming. God Bless and remember…
Do Everything Exalting Jesus…EXPERIENCE the relationship!